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ANDREW B. LIU (Villanova University)

Tea War: A History of Capitalism in China and India


09 May 2023 | 3pm BST

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Tea today remains the world's most consumed commercial beverage. Throughout its modern history, tea has connected the fates of growers, workers, and managers across Asia and the postcolonial world, especially those in coastal China and eastern India. Tea War explores the history of competition between the Chinese and colonial Indian tea industries across the past two centuries, leveraging the story of its production, consumption, and global circulation to offer a fresh and compelling account of modern capital in China and India, one that points toward a more flexibly and globally-oriented conceptualization of the history of capitalism.

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Andrew Liu is an associate professor of history at Villanova University. His interests include modern China, south Asia, transnational Asia, and the history of capitalism and political economy. He is the author of Tea War: A History of Capitalism in China and India (Yale University Press, 2020).

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